BUIP094: BCH November upgrade - Re-enable Op Codes
Proposer: Andrew Clifford (@solex)
Submitted on: 2018-08-14
Status: passed
Bitcoin Cash is advancing through decentralized development. Perhaps
this was easier early-on, but now the dust has settled from the fork and
a year has passed, there are many different voices pushing and pulling
development priorities. The upcoming 15 November 2018 general upgrade is
a major event, hence it would help if Bitcoin Unlimited, as an
organization, had an official position on the major elements of the
upgrade. This position is determined by the membership.
The purpose of the BUIP is to determine whether the BU membership
supports re-enabling the following op codes for the scheduled November
upgrade (this is a forking change).
Re-enabling op Codes:
For further information, see
BU does not desire unintended forks in the BCH blockchain, so the BU
client will remain compatible with the final specification of the
November upgrade.