BUIP061: Demonstration of Phase in Full Network Upgrade Activated by Miners
Proposer: LIN Zheming
Submitted on: 2017-06-13
Status: draft
This idea was not created by an individual but is a product of
collaboration in the Chinese bitcoin community between different
interest groups.
This method is put forth to incentivize and to protect mining nodes and
non-mining nodes during protocol upgrading. With this incentive
mechanism, the non-mining nodes will not suffer monetary loss from chain
After the activation condition is met, majority miners will set a new
block versionbits after the first grace period(a difficulty change of
2016 blocks). The blocks with lower versionbits will be orphaned. In
terms of the Nakamoto Consensus, the end of the first grace period will
force all mining nodes upgraded to signal a new version of consensus.
After the second grace period ( a difficulty change of 2016 blocks),
mining nodes will only accept transactions with new versionbits.
Transactions from nodes not upgrading will not be relayed nor included
in blocks with new versionbits. This will protect funds of non-mining
nodes from utilizing replay attack and will function as a notification
for them to upgrade. Codes dealing with protocol upgrade could be
included in the upgrade. After the non-mining node upgrades, mining
nodes will vote to activate the protocol upgrade and this will achieve
the broad/widespread deployment of the protocol upgrade.
The protocol upgrade depends on its activate condition independently
even after the change deployed among nodes.
In view of the fact that the original Bitcoin consensus did not consider
the non-mining wallet nodes(as mentioned above), the result is that
upgrading the consensus of these wallet nodes is passive and lazy. When
there is disagreement in the direction of the upgrade, the miners have
no mechanism to ensure that the chain being extended is the chain widely
accepted by the wallet nodes. This also adversely affects the security
of the wallet nodes.
Apart from ensuring the asset security of wallet nodes, this method can
be used to provide additional incentives to upgrade the protocol for the
wallet nodes. Once the wallet nodes upgrade their protocol, the miners’
nodes can be guaranteed to work - not only on the longest chain, but
also on the longest chain used by other wallet nodes in the broader
bitcoin sphere. Under the Nakamoto Consensus, there will be no
persistent forks as protocol upgrades can be phased in.
1. 挖矿节点将使用 versionbits 版本位来定义支持信号。BUIP
生效时,所有区块需要使用制定的 nVersion 来发送信号
2. 挖矿节点将使用 tx version 来定义当前的交易版本。当前的 tx version 是
1,将允许 tx version 为 2 的交易,并在第二个宽限期之后,使 tx version 为
1 的交易非法。
3. 在可选的第四阶段时,可以重新允许 tx version 是 1 的交易。
Protocol upgrading will phase in over three stages. We can have an
optional fourth stage to integrate codes of protocol upgrade.
1. Signal stage: Mining nodes signal using BIP9. The next stage will be
activated after 55% (1109) of 2016 blocks has the signal.
2. Mining nodes upgrade stage: After a first grace period of 2016 blocks
and total signalling blocks passed 2218 of 4032 blocks, miners
broadcasting blocks with new versionbits in block headers will orphan
blocks with old versionbits. At this stage all nodes can send
transactions with new versionbits, and transactions with old versionbits
will be compatible.
3. Non-mining nodes upgrade stage: after 4032 continuous blocks with new
versionbits, mining nodes will start to refuse transactions with old
versionbits. Only transactions with new versionbits can be relayed and
included in blocks. Transactions with old versionbits can be safely
purged from memory pools.
4. (Optional)Protocol Upgrade stage: The codes dealing with protocol
upgrade can be integrated in the third stage. After the non-mining nodes
upgrades to support newer version of transactions, the codes with
protocol upgrade must be included and now we can use miner vote to
activate and finish this upgrade.
At this point, the protocol upgrade have phased in.
1. 仅需要多数的矿工发信号后即可激活。在中本聪的比特币论文中,99.9%
的可能性下,55% 的矿工将在 340
51% 后,挖矿节点将迅速的在第一个宽限期内进行升级。
2. 在两个宽限期内,钱包节点交易不受影响,有足够的时间升级钱包软件。
3. 版本信息包含在 block header 中,并不影响 SPV