BUIP003: Andrew Quentson (Aquent) for Secretary
Proposer: Andrew Quentson
Submitted: 2015-12-30
Status: passed
As you all know I have been a vocal supporter of bigger blocks since
Gavin started his blog post series with many of my comments on reddit
highly voted, some to triple digits, because I see the wisdom in
Satoshi’s vision.
Bitcoin Unlimited is the most intuitive, clear, common sense approach to
the blocksize debate as it decentralises the decision to peers, thus
allowing for an emerging consensus to form. As such, I fully support BU
and all the principles it stands for.
That is why I re-designed the website with the particular help
of @Graphics and very helpful
detailed feedback from @Peter_R @Zangelbert
Bingledack and
As we can all imagine @theZerg is
now extremely busy so he wanted me to show commitment to the project by
running for Secretary before merging the website so that I could
maintain the website and contribute in other duties. I had to think hard
about whether I wished to take on this public position. After some
consideration I have decided to announce my candidacy so that I can
fully support the project in it’s nascent stage and bring our vision to
As such, in line with our constitution, I announce that I, Andrew
Quentson, will run for the position of Secretary. My background in law
is somewhat unusual and I believe beneficial to the position, but I have
always had an interest in tech and design and have kept up codding as a
hobby. I became interested in bitcoin in 2011, but did not become fully
involved until 2014, some 2 years ago, when I announced mtgox had 200k
bitcoins they were not at the time telling us
about: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1z37zw/mt_gox_has_at_least_200k_btc
With a background in law I think I am fully suitable for the position of
secretary as I can use my skills to set up a fair procedure, clear
communication and effective persuasion. The additional skills of coding
and web design will further allow me to maintain and develop the website
so that it becomes a fully fledged community portal with wide
contribution from all members.
Whether I win the position or not I wish to conclude by saying that it
has been a great pleasure and privilege to get to know you all and I
hope this community and the relationships between us only strengthen
further for the benefit of us all and the world.